Your personal month calculator
The Personal Month and the Personal Day numbers.Just as we evolve through a nine-year cycle, so, too, do we experience nine-month and nine-day cycles, even though their impact is subtle compared to the Personal Year cycle. The Personal Month and Personal Day cycles proceed according to the same pattern -- 1 through 9 -- that the Personal Year cycle does. The numbers within the monthly and daily cycles have a similar, though less pronounced, impact on us than the yearly cycle has. We can think of the yearly, monthly, and daily cycles as spirals within spirals, all interconnected. In any case, the patterns are essentially the same. They widen and encompass greater sweeps of time -- daily, monthly, and yearly patterns -- thus becoming more profound and powerful as they grow.
How to Find Your Personal Month and Personal Day numbers.To find your Personal Month, add the single-digit value of the month to your Personal Year number. For example, someone with a 5 Personal Year who wants to know his Personal Month for July should add the 5 (for the Personal Year cycle) to the 7 (for July) and arrive at 12, which is reduced to 3. July is a 3 Personal Month for someone in the 5 Personal Year. To find your Personal Day number, add the number of the day to your Personal Month number and reduce the result to a single digit. Note that the cycle descriptions work for both months and days, with the days being a shorter influence.
1 Cycle
A number 1 cycle is the time to begin new things. Explore all of the possibilities, feel the surge of creative desire.
2 Cycle
2 cycles are quieter and good for reflecting, collecting, planning, assisting others, seeing both sides.
3 Cycle
A 3 cycle is a cycle of creativity, communication and getting noticed.
4 Cycle
4 cycles are the time for practical, step-by-step productivity. Following the rules and building from the ground up.
5 Cycle
During the 5 cycle, we get a break from routine and find ourselves experiencing new people, places and perspectives.
6 Cycle
6 cycles bring us back to family matters and remembering our commitments and responsibilities.
7 Cycle
7 cycles pull our attention inward and we ponder life, our purpose and come up with new ideas.
8 Cycle
The 8 cycle challenges us to put it all into action.
9 Cycle
The 9 cycle is the time for cleaning up, and dreaming up new possibilities.
Too lazy to do all that math? Try a Personal Month Calculator!
Sun/Moon Combos for Aquarius
These are all the combinations for Aquarians and their moon signs.
11-1 Aquarius/Aries
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a quick aggressive mind, a keen sense of your own intelligence, and a sort of judicial attitude toward the rest of the world. You have to look out for smugness and self-satisfaction for you are somewhat prone to have a bit of a superiority complex. You are a very solid thinker, and what you know is usually accurate, well thought out, and well stated. But you can be cool, aloof, and detached, for your emotional side is anything but strong. Oddly, you do better when you don't seem so sure of yourself. This polarity combines the intellectuality and originality of Aquarius with the high spirit and independence of Aries. There is a lot of leadership potential in this match up, and indeed there is a firm and decided character. You push issues aggressively, often with the limited prudence or forethought that characterizes Aries. You don't like supervision generally because of fixed and independent nature; you're best when you can work on your own without much interference. Although, as noted, you have a very fixed or stubborn disposition, you readily respond to bright new ideas, and in fact, you come up with your fair share of these, so it can never be said that you are the least bit reactionary. Personal impulsiveness or the tendency to precipitate matters suggests a need for patience, or perhaps just a willingness to wait for the right time to do things that you know instinctive need to be done. Enthusiasm keeps you on the move, and you find it difficult to be inactive either mentally or physically. Happiness can be increased by decreasing the demand for total personal independence and taking time to cultivate smooth relationships.
11-2 Aquarius/Taurus
The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a personality that people find easy to like and admire. This is not so much for what you do as it is for what you don't do. Your never petty or small, and your appeal is to those in the higher as well as the lower rungs of society. You don't pester people with your worries and anxieties, but when others come to you, you drop everything to listen to their problems. You're interested in people, and like to be around them as an observer, but somehow maintaining a distance and not getting too involved individually. You rate people not on their position or rank, but simply on whether they interest you or not. You have a certain self-sufficiency about you, and you never feel that you have to put on airs to impress anyone. You have all it takes to be executive, except the desire that would be required. You seem to be devoid of any domineering or missionary spirit, willing to "live and let live." This combination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius, with the determination and powerful will of Taurus. These two fixed signs together give a will that is so strong that it may become obstinate and intransigent. Happiness can depend on assuring peacefulness and harmony in environment or home life, and in respect to human relationships. You need to be deeply interested in people.
11-3 Aquarius/Gemini
Your Sun and Moon combined produces, quite surprisingly, a romantic personality. Idealism is strong, mixed with some critical tendencies. A romantic, but definitely living more by your mind that by your senses. You dramatize life and yourself, often expanding and enhancing the facts of a matter, idealizing love affairs and life in general. You rarely exclude much of the fat from your stories. The Aquarius/Gemini mix yields a very harmonious and versatile combination, blending the independence and originality of the Aquarius, with the wit, versatility, and intellectuality of Gemini. Intellectually you are quick, apt, and intuitive, but with a tendency to skim only the surface of most subjects you encounter. In the real world business, this can be a handicap. Your attention span is rather short. It's hard to pin you down to reality, and you can easily find yourself drifting in life. If this is not so in business, then it probably is in your personal life. Having and holding a fixed purpose can be a problem. Actually, however, your nature is truly much more fixed than it appears. Success depends on emphasizing the decisive potential in your nature, and becoming involved in some form of creative activity that allows you to express yourself mentally. You put facts and ideas together so quickly that you are a natural for advertising, writing, public speaking, or in just about any kind of job that allows you to live by your wit. You tire easily of routine and detail. There is a duality in your nature that shows rapid changes in moods and attitudes. You change your mind often and abruptly. Companionship is extremely important to you. You need someone to talk to constantly, and that someone must be mentally compatible and stimulating to your intellectual growth and cultural achievement.
11-4 Aquarius/Cancer
The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a personality that reflects less of the Aquarius nature and emphases more of the influences of the Moon than in any other possible Aquarius pairing. This is simply because the Sun in never really strong in Aquarius, and the Moon is always especially strong in its natural sign, Cancer. You are far more subjective and not nearly so detached and aloof as the typical person with an Aquarius Sun. Nonetheless, this combination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius with the feelings, sensitivity and tenacity of Cancer. You possess a somewhat restless and changeable nature because of a deep sensitivity and receptivity to outside influences. You're susceptibility to surroundings and associations enables you to respond quickly to other people, as you intuitively know when you are liked or disliked. Your uncanny faculty for responding to others allows you to always be very popular and to have a wide circle of friends. You possess considerable personal charm, normally proving gracious and considerate in contact with other people because you have a kind disposition. Social life and personal relationships mean a good deal to you. You can be very popular in business life because you take a personal interest in the affairs and activities of employees and business associates. A natural inclination for industry and persistence or tenacity of purpose in business or profession should assure success. You have the knack for feeling the truth about things rather than having to reason them out. Your ability to think things through is never as reliable as your feelings about a matter. Usually you can maintain a realistic, if optimistic, approach to every job to decide to tackle. You think in terms of success, the maximum, and the best that you can do. You enjoy casual social gathering and you're always a good host. You can achieve success in many field, perhaps as much on your personality as your actual talents. Your greatest asset is no doubt your understanding of human nature, and your greatest weakness may be the lack of understanding of the complexities of your own nature.
11-5 Aquarius/Leo
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces the sort of personality that is always there to help people in need; a true humanitarian. Because this trait is so strong in your nature, you're a bit of an easy mark for con men or other friends and family that would take advantage. You are the one people come to when they have problems and need help. You are proud, independent, and self-reliant, and you don't like to have your original good opinion of people upset. Because of this, you keep a bad bargain and perhaps stay with a relationship that has gone sour. There are times, thanks to your deeply emotional but expansive and friendly nature, that you need to be hard-headed and practical in dealing with people, particularly in handling people making demands on your time or money. This combination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius with the emotional warmth and confidence of Leo. Born near a full Moon, you possess the inclination to project your personality into the world or affairs. Sensitive and affectionate, marriage strongly influences your life. Naturally friendly, you have a great capacity for kindness and sympathy, and you love very deeply. Sometimes romantic interests may cloud your judgment and ability for practical action. Just the same, these are both fixed signs, and you are very hard to convince against your will. You follow your inner feelings and can be positive and determined when you feel you are right. As a leader, you employ a style of warm and affection rather than by using more stern and harsher methods. You have a tendency to be impulsive and jump to conclusions, often making decisions without due forethought. Principle means a great deal to you and you are strongly influenced by this and by your feelings, affections, and emotions. Success comes most easily, however, when you can keep your emotions under the control of your intellect.
11-6 Aquarius/Virgo
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality that is very outstanding in anything that requires critical and analytical ability, for you indeed have a great intelligence and true mental prowess. You are believable and sincere; a person who gives excellent sound advice, usually in a very matter-of-fact way. You plan precisely, and proceed with confidence and assurance. You insist on taking your time in the thought processes, and you rarely ever go off half-cocked. This combination blends a friendliness, originality and independence that is Aquarius, with the discrimination, precision and practical abilities of Virgo. Both signs are noted for producing intelligence, reason and logic. The blended personality is neat, careful and prudent, and shows a persistence toward learning and concentration on detail; there is the ability to detach yourself from personal issues, and focus on the problem that you have at hand. Emotions never interfere with your thinking because of your ability to face facts and to reason things out with a keen critical analysis. Hence, you don't make many mistakes. You are somewhat fastidious in your tastes, neat and orderly, and perhaps particular in dress. Your ability to analyze gives you an intuitive insight into peoples feelings, but your responses are largely restrained, and you come across as being somewhat aloof. Demonstration of affection may need cultivation at times to assure harmony and happiness. You have a great deal of potential in business because of your ability to marshal facts and important information relating to scientific matters, and apply your knowledge in a practical endeavor.
11-7 Aquarius/Libra
The combination of your Sun and your Moon sign produces a personality that is somewhat akin to a gust of wind. It can be powerful and forceful, but lacks constancy and is often subject to direction changes. Your impact on an issue can be amazing while your interest in maintained, but you're apt to leave the project half finished and be off to another. As long as you are dedicated and enthused things move swiftly, but as soon as you tire of concentrating, you move on to something more interesting and more exciting, uncommitted and unchained by emotional ties. This attitude may apply to people just as it does to projects or tasks, and you may abandon a relationship without so much as a "fair thee well." Your circle of friends may be wide, but few are close or enduring. Marriage is very important to you, but settling down to a stable relationship will be difficult and will take some time. You have a somewhat frivolous attitude about living life, and a tendency to ignore conventions and rules of conduct can cause you to be periodically ostracized or criticized. Your outlook is broad and tolerant, and you are very forgiving of others for their errors as you hope they will be forgiving of yours. You have an ability to analyze and categorize people in a very effective way. You know how to sell yourself or sell your product with forcefulness and persuasiveness without being objectionable, and your ability to success depends on heavily on this asset.
11-8 Aquarius/Scorpio
The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces an individual that appeals to others, but one that lives strictly by its own laws. There is a highly fixed blending of the originality and independence of Aquarius with the emotional intensity and will power of Scorpio. You command a lot of respect, but more importantly, you have a healthy self-respect, as well. Your personality is very strong, and you possess tremendous powers for good or for constructiveness if you can only keep your emotional impulses under mental control. You have a stubborn desire to get your own way, and you're a highly determined leader. As a leader, you are one to work right along with your subordinates since you never expect anything from anyone that you yourself are not willing to do. You have a good deal of ambition and enterprise, and these are well supported by a dogged determination, making you very forceful when it comes to getting things done. Some of your action may seem a bit impulsive and ill-advised, but no one ever has to coax you to take an initial step or make a decision. The intensity of your personality and the determination to achieve keeps you constantly on the go. It's important for you to learn to relax, for the restlessness of your driving nature can have a damaging effect on your health if you don't learn to unwind and perhaps communicate with nature a bit. It's also good for you to learn not to take yourself so seriously, learn to laugh at yourself, and refrain for being to rigid. Certainly, there is nothing superficial in your nature, and there is little that you cannot accomplish when you put your mind to it. Your persistence and tenacity of purpose light your way to success.
11-9 Aquarius/Sagittarius
The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produce an individual who is very active, both physically and mentally. Independence of mind and action, thought and expression, are the keynotes of your nature. This pairing combines the friendliness, originality and independence of Aquarius, with the honesty, sincerity, directness and enthusiasm of Sagittarius. Your personality is friendly and active, expressing independence and freedom in your thinking and in your abilities to see ideas through to completion. A friendly and a very understanding nature tends to place you firmly on the humanitarian side on most issues, and you are likely to busy yourself doing something that in some way directly benefits you fellow man. There is an instinctive and deep-rooted love of truth and knowledge that endows you with a noble and sincere nature. You intensely dislike any sham or deception, and you play the game of life and business by the rules. You never are willing to in any situation to compromise your principles. You admire honesty and straightforward people, and you hold more to individuals possessing these traits, regardless of their station in life. You have a common sense approach to life; although you are put off by intellectualism, you love to philosophize and dream. Actually, you have the qualities of an uncompromising intellectual; honesty, strong opinions, and a broad viewpoint on world affairs. You are impulsively quick to act on your ideas, advanced and revolutionary as they may sometimes be. You believe in getting things done, and done in shortest possible time, employing the most innovative methods you can devise.
11-10 Aquarius/Capricorn
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a positive and authoritative personality; a very solid and practical individual with individualistic qualities. The Aquarius side of this nature brings originality and independence, but this is tempered by the conservatism, deep ambition and caution of Capricorn. Your calm persistence, deep determination and talent for cold calculation or prudent thinking assure sound judgment and realistic evaluation of conditions or situations. You know your course in life and you are not one to be diverted by emotional factors. Restless at times, you need to keep busy in your profession, business or public life. You have a powerful sense of responsibility and deep seriousness to your nature. Business responsibilities may be heavy. You have great inner sources that enhance your personality. This is a combination that shows the talent to cope with large enterprises and for handling large numbers of people. You have strong, deeply rooted convictions and ideals, and you conduct your business with a strict code of ethics. You are a natural executive with humanitarian leanings, as you combine friendliness and fair play with your strict business principles. You strive more for power and authority than for wealth and material success.
11-11 Aquarius/Aquarius
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a nature that is strong--a little bit indefinite, but strong. This is a combination that is somewhat of another world-ethereal, philosophical, and extremely open-minded. Your individuality and personality is a blend of the Aquarius traits of refinement, intelligence, and a broadly humane nature. Refined and intelligent, this combination provides the possibility of high talent or a streak of genius to be constructively developed. Ideas are prolific, and likely range from the conventional to the eccentric and the unusual. This is a position that is hyperactive mentally, but perhaps a procrastinator. Mentally, you are a trail-blazer, but one who definitely has a very short attention span for you apt to get yourself involved with a wide variety of subjects and avocations. Aquarius has very humanistic instincts, a natural friendliness, and a talent for understanding and reading character. It is easy for you to blend with with strangers, and dealings with people rarely cause you any problem. Just the same, you are independent or somewhat individualistic, and require considerable personal freedom of thought and action. You are apt to success rather easily in business because of a combination of traits you possess. You are people oriented and thus, able to understand the needs of the public. You are original and progressive in your thinking; new ideas and advanced techniques are your forte. Aquarius is a so called fixed sign, so there is a strong fixed element associated with your personality, a high degree of focus and determination in your nature, giving the tenacity to see any of the many tasks that you undertake, through to completion. Whether you are in business or scientific pursuits, you are motivated by very deep interest in doing something positive for world; for improving people's lives in some way. It's important that you stay busy with the expression of your ideas and talents. You are best when unsupervised and independent in your work; at your worst when required to perform any sort of routine or overly systematized task. You're a bit on the high-strung side, and need to be sure of getting adequate relaxation and outside activities that allows the release of tensions. With your ability for controlled rational thinking, clear perception, and humanitarian concern, you surely have a lot to offer the world at large.
11-12 Aquarius/Pisces
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a mind that is very original and able to grasp the most vague, ethereal and extreme concepts. The blend mixes friendliness, originality and independence of Aquarius with the emotional sensitivity and imagination of Pisces. You are a person who is naturally persevering and conscientious, being interested in detail, method and order. Your way of reacting to the world is very interesting. You can spend days just dreaming and speculating. You are fascinated by the unusual and the abstract, finding it interesting to take up studies in any number of bazaar topics. Loving to read and study, you may become very well informed on a wide variety of subjects. You lean heavily on your hunches and way out ideas, and you're easily distracted from routine work. You dream a lot and you have an utter faith in the dreams you dream. Your mind can get so far afield on some vaguely related tangent that you may even forget what the task at hand originally was. Your perceptions are so vividly acute that it is often not practical to pay attention to all of them. You live a private life of your own, into which few others ever penetrate. A keen imagination or a sort of mental vision allows you to be good money-maker in a variety of fields; you seem to be able to intuitively realize possibilities and take advantage of them. You success relies on talent and intelligence since you don't project a particularly strong leadership personality. There is a tendency for you to let things drift. At times you should display a more forceful will, but by and large you develop a very pronounced prudence and sense of caution. You can benefit in overcoming or controlling a tendency to accept things in a passive way, or in being too friendly and obliging if others incline to take advantage of your good nature.
Numerology: The Personal Year 2006
The Personal Year is helpful in evaluating the trend of the coming calendar year. For a clue as to what lies ahead in the coming year, calculate your personal year using this formula:
First, reduce the month and day of your birth, your birthday, to a single digit. Using my birthday for example, February 8th, that single digit would be 1 (2+8=10; 1+0=1). If your month and day total comes to 11 or 22, the master numbers, in this instance, reduce the number to 2 and 4, respectively.
Next, reduce the year for which you are making the calculation to a single digit. The year 2003 would become 5.
Now, add the single digit representing your birthday to the single digit representing the year in question.
Here are the break downs for your coming year:
Personal Year 1. . . .A New Beginning In Your Life
The current year is the beginning of a new nine year cycle for you. It holds the promise of being an exciting new adventure, with life taking on new challenges that pave the way for the next cycle of nine years in your life. This is a time to clarify your goals and it is a time to act on them. Hard work may be necessary to get a new venture moving. Your physical strength will be up during this year, perhaps higher than it has been for some time, as you have some special needs for this extra energy. If you are unable or unwilling to answer the call to change and make the move in your life the appears necessary now, your prospects may be delayed until the next cycle begins in nine years. Because of this, you feel like an adventure, a major change in your life, something new. New goals should be clearly set and worked toward, as this is really a new beginning of a nine year cycle and it is best not to dwell on the past at this time. This will be fairly easy for you to do because most of the problems and disappointments of the past will tend to disappear, leaving the way open for these new challenges. This is a great time; use it to its full advantage.
Personal Year 2. . . .Development, cooperation, and waiting
This is a number 2 personal year. A personal year 2 is a wait and see time; a year when you will find yourself in the background and very much in a stage of development. This is not a time to force the issue and try to move forward. It is a time for cooperation and building relationships that will benefit you in the future; a year for accumulating and collecting. Aggressiveness will cause problems now. You must be prepared for delays, detours, stoppages and you must be patient. This is a time of small contribution, of helping, and details must be taken care of when they come up. You may give time and effort to further another's work. This year may be a test to your self-control and emotional sensitivities. This is a time to improve your abilities to work with others in a productive way and this can be difficult for you if you have chiefly worked alone in the past. Keep calm, cool, and pleasant. You may experience a degree of nervous tension during this period; the two year brings a tendency to emotional extremes including depression. Very deep relationships with a person of the opposite sex (including marriage) may be more apt to occur during a 2 year. If married, there is apt to be a deepening of feeling in the relationship during a 2 year.
Personal Year 3. . . .Social expansion & creative successes
This is a number 3 personal year. This is a social, happy year, and it generally tends to exude bright and cheerful vibrations. This is a year when you will want to check up on old friends and broaden your social circle to include some new ones. Romance and love affairs may bloom. You are inclined to live life to its fullest now, even if you have to pay the consequences later on. You are likely to be more sociable and the bridle of responsibility will seem to be loosened a bit. You are inclined to scatter your energies and undertake too many things at the same time. You can safely take some time off to enjoy yourself, but resist the temptation to completely give in to having a good time; keep your goals in mind. A 3 personal year is a good time to expand personal creative talents, particularly those related to the arts and verbal skills. Recognition in this regard is likely this year.
While this can be a happy year as far as personal expression and activities are concerned, it may be a disastrous year on the business scene. A generally frivolous attitude in that environment can cause rash decisions and impractical, unfinished schemes. This is not likely to be a very good year for your finances, and it is fortunate that the next year is designed to compensate these effects.
Personal Year 4. . . .Hard work and slow, but steady progress
This is a number 4 personal year for you. The previous year frivolity will now be truly forgotten, as the facts of life are clearly spelled out. This is a year of hard work and effort when one must knuckle down to the task at hand. A year of digging in and hoeing, a reestablishment of self-control. In many ways, however, it is a frustrating year, when considerable effort fails to produce dramatic results. One step forward and two back may seem to be the case most of the time. This is an organizational period and you must look at your current and past performance in a very hard light. It is a time to get organized and bring yourself down to earth. Responsibilities will increase, magnifying the effort and hard work needed to maintain a reasonable level of existence. Health and diet should be carefully scrutinized this year, as physical resistance is low and you may become more susceptible to ailments. A tidying up of affairs is now in order, as you must make ready for a very hectic year ahead.
Personal Year 5. . . . Feeling Loose and Free
This is a number 5 year, a year of major change in your life. Horizons are expanded and growth is less impeded. You are likely to make a number of new friends this year as social activities are expanded. This is a year that has brought/will bring excitement and adventure and a good deal more freedom than you have experienced in recent years. This is a time for feeling loose and free; for moving away from old routines in a constructive way. If you became bogged down during this past year, now is the time to seek out new directions.
The problem with a personal year 5 is the tendency to scatter energies in all directions. Your ability to do detail work is limited now and it will make you feel very confined. In all, this a free-wheeling year that is liable to bring major changes to your life; your career, your family situation, your residence.
Personal Year 6. . . . Love, Family, Home and Responsibility
This is a number 6 Personal Year for you. A personal year 6 tends to bring on increasing responsibilities and a deepening concern for family, loved ones, and close friends. It may be a year when you are called on to make some adjustments in your life, or sacrifices for those in your family or close circle of friends. This is not really a year for major accomplishments, but rather a time to handle those adjustments to your plans that may be necessary or required, and for finishing projects started earlier. Endeavors will seem to be moving so very slowly throughout this year. You should expect to have a very good year so far as family, domestic, and romantic matters are concerned. Your emotional interchange with those who are close to you should be at its very best during this particular year. The important thing is to be willing to accept a slower pace and be sure to enjoy the peace and harmony that the personal year number 6 will bring.
Personal Year 7. . . . a time for analysis and understanding
A 7 personal year promises to be a very introspective year, a period of some pause and reflection between very active years in your life. This year should provide you with some time for gaining some understanding of yourself, and you are apt to spend a good bit of time in contemplation. It will be good for you to spend time alone or in quiet activities, as free from outside responsibilities as possible. You should try to get away from business pressures. This is a good year to reflect on the past and plan for the future. This will not tend to be a year of action, but rather a year of waiting and development. One of the most profitable activities in with to engage during a personal year 7 is that of study and writing, for your ability to think clearly, analyze, and integrate your thoughts is peaked now. Your capacity for research and understanding is at its very best. It would not be unusual for you to take on an appearance of coolness and detachment during a 7 year. Certainly, it is best for you to focus your attention on your talents and your skills in an effort to use the time you have now to refine them. Perhaps you can find the time to gain more education, or simply spend free time in reflection and meditation.
Personal Year 8. . . . Attainment and capital gains
This is a number 8 personal year for you. This is your power year, a period when you can make important strides in you life. Coming after a very slow and introspective period (the personal year 7), you may start feeling some stirrings of ambitions. This is a year of big decisions and major achievements. Activity is your keynote now, and you will find yourself very much involved and occupied. Opportunities for advancement and recognition for past and current work is likely to come about during this year. You have things going for you so long as you take advantage and act. It is easy for you to branch out and expand in a businesslike manner. If you are at all inclined, this is the time to exude self-confidence and authority, because others will tend to be receptive to your leadership and control. Your power and status potential is at a peak of the nine years personal epicycle that concludes at the end of the next year.
Personal Year 9. . . . Reflection and Reaching Out
This is a 9 personal year for you. This is a year of completions, ending, and a time when you are apt to take inventory of the many factors in your life, some of which you are no doubt proud of, and others that you may want to change. You are likely to scrutinize old values, ideals, and the ideas that you thought were important. This should be a time when you become more involved with other's and giving may become more important that merely looking out for yourself. You may also become aware of a lure to commune with nature, as escapist desires become much stronger than in the past. A lot of things that you have been working for should come to completion during this year, and you will tend to clear the deck for the beginning of a new nine year cycle.
Tarot Card for Aquarius
With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the thirst, with a guiding light to the future.
The Star is one of those cards everyone loves. In every deck, it is usually the most beautiful. It suggests the peace and harmony of its meaning. Whatever hope, healing, future it offers, one must remember that it might not be immediate. Like Aquarius, its vision is for tomorrow, not today.
This is the card that tells you that you are being guided in the right direction. The picture displays a naked woman kneeling down beside a river with two jugs in her hand. She is pouring the water from the jugs into the stream. In the background is a large star, almost directly above her head and seven other stars around it. There are birds, flowers, trees, shrubbery and green grass around her. She appears tranquil and at peace in her natural surroundings.
If this is yourself, you are intuitively heading towards the direction of where you should be on your own personal path in life. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways. If you have been looking for a certain job, more than likely you will achieve it and this will reflect what is going on inside you, which is finding your true niche in life. You are also able to express yourself more truthfully without hindrances from your past or your upbringing. Your intuition is extremely heightened at this time and can bring on flashes of insight to guide you through the many decisions you are going to be facing. Trust in your future and show great faith against the odds and you will succeed. Something to do with the country, or near a river or ocean may figure strongly in an event which will occur within about one month.
The Star depicts hope for better things, and promising opportunities. It is about your dreams and your wishes. This card represents the first step on the right path, but it must be accompanied by action for it to be a true success. A new cycle is beginning. You are on the right track.
It is a card of inspiration, encouragement and rejuvenation, especially after a trying or traumatic time. It’s telling you to take a deep breath and draw inspiration from the natural beauty around you. It also has an astrological tinge to it. It speaks of the influence of the heavens on one’s life. It’s a calmness that lets you connect to the universe in a free flow of energy. It’s a restoration of order and peace.
What has traditionally been known as the Star card is about reconnecting one's Soul with the Divine -- the transcending of personality, family, community and reputation. It has to do ultimately with the freedom to be one's Self. The Soul is responding to celestial influences -- forces that can provide the personality with a stronger sense of purpose. The Star card helps us to remember our exalted origins and our attraction to a Higher Union. This card could also be called the "Celestial Mandate" -- that which refers us back to our reason for being, our mission in this lifetime. The Star reminds us that, in a sense, we are agents of Divine Will in our day-to-day lives. If we let go of the idea that we are supposed to be in control, we can more easily notice and appreciate the synchronicities that are nudging us along. In this way, we become more conscious of the invisible Helping Hand, and we better understand our place within -- and value to -- the larger Cosmos.
This card is about following your own star, living your life with a sense of purpose, and finding meaning and inspiration. You may have unexpected assistance as you pursue your dream. Remember to be true to yourself, commit yourself to your sense of purpose, and things will work out better than you anticipated.
The Star is about possibilities, all the endless possibilities you can imagine. In the Mythic Tarot, the Star is Pandora - opening the forbidden box that released human suffering upon mankind. This helps remind us to be careful what we wish for, because our thoughts and dreams are very powerful.
Often, the Star keeps popping up when there's something we're looking forward to that has not yet materialized. A lot like other major cards, this one seems to appear and reappear until either the inevitable happens, or there is a change in course. I think that the message in this card is to have faith, keep dreaming - and also be aware of what difficulties and disappointments may come as a natural result of getting your wish. The box itself is your hopes and dreams. The creatures within are reality! What might be the real consequences of getting what you wish for? Will it be worth going after? Can you handle it?
The bright and radiant Star is the best card to meditate on to increase your self-esteem. It can improve your ability to trust in yourself. The Star radiates your own inner beauty. Notice the seven smaller stars representing your chakras. This represents a need to open your chakras and cleanse your aura. The number 17 equals 8 (1+7=8). Notice all the stars have eight points. Eight is Strength, the quality needed to accept your faults and love yourself in spite of them. The bird in the tree in the background is the sacred ibis of thought, roosting in the tree of mind. The woman is pouring water (psychic energy) into the pool of Universal Consciousness. The other pitcher pours the water onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses. Her feet are balanced between dry land and the pool. The bent leg on the ground (Earth) supports her weight, while her other foot is resting on the water of the subconscious. Keep a balance while at the same time, staying grounded. She is naked, having nothing to hide. The ground is fruitful. When the Star appears, be open to new ideas and growth. Listen to the still small voice within. The sign is Aquarius and the rune is Daeg.
The Star is a card of harmony and balance, much like the card of Temperance. However, because the Star follows the card of the Tower, it also represents the end of a period of change and turmoil. The Star is a card of fulfilment, peace of mind, mental and emotional stability. Like Temperance, the woman in the card holds two containers of water, but in this case she pours the water out to nourish the earth and continue the cycle of fertility which is represented by the lush greenery around her. Also like Temperance, she has one foot on land and the other in the water. The water represents the spiritual realm and the land is a symbol of the material world.
The Star brings you the gift of pleasure in nature, of reasoned intuition and of shining hope. It reveals a loving phase, filled with calm energy and renewed understanding. It is a card of heavenly favors and a sense of being blessed. If you are currently experiencing difficulties or have been depressed or unwell, the Star augurs healing. Your ability to let go of damaging memories has been strengthened by contact with your true self. Hatred, envy, bitterness, and revenge have burned themselves out and no longer shadow your life or potential for future happiness. Now you are able to forgive and forget. Friendship is an important area governed by the Star. Your friends are especially previous to you now, and you may friend their presence in your life a source of great happiness.
Illumination. You need to be the star of your "show" and experience a time of joy, wonder, hope and healing. Relax and re-establish your connection with your body and the illumination of spiritual realities. Dwell on the good. People have always looked to the stars as a source of inspiration and hope. There is something about their twinkling light that draws us out of ourselves and up into a higher plane. When we turn our eyes heavenward, we no longer feel the distress of earth. The Star reminds me of the clear, high voice of a soprano. There is something other-worldly about it. All the harshness and density of everyday life has been refined away leaving only the purest essence. After being exposed to the Star, we feel uplifted and blessed.
In readings, the Star is most welcome when grief and despair have overwhelmed us. In our darkest moments, we need to know that there is hope and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The Star is the opposite of the Devil who strips us of our faith in the future. Card 17 holds out the promise that we can eventually find peace of mind. The Star also reminds us to open our heart and release our fears and doubt. If you have been holding back in any way, now is the time to give generously. It is important to remember that the Star is inspiring, but it is not a card of practical solutions or final answers. Truly without hope we can accomplish nothing, but hope is only a beginning. When you see Card 17, know that you are on the right track. Your goals and your aspirations are blessed, but to realize them, you must take positive action. Use the light of the Star to guide you in your efforts.
You will become aware of how successful and respected you are. You may attain a goal that brings lasting happiness, or you may win a reward. Your reputation may be enhanced. A successful person may be involved.
The star represents the confidence of youth. The young girl is innocent in life, full of hope and inspiration. She is in anticipation of what will be. Want to find (or regain) a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose to your life and hope your future will be better than your past. It's the call of destiny that motivates you or compels you to go on.
Courage, hope, and inspiration are in your life. Great love will be given and received. Wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, progress toward goals and knowing what these goals are.
False sense of security. Unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Disappointment. Pessimism. Back luck. Conclusion of an unsatisfactory business experience or friendship. Being held back by fear. When the Star is reversed, the spiritual mission is distorted. Instead of hope, we might have despair or discouragement. Instead of being filled with positive possibilities, we may find ourselves dwelling on negative issues. Negative thoughts will wear away at us - to the point where we may give up control of the situation. Thus, the reversed Star suggests we look for issues in our life where we find ourselves discouraged or feeling overwhelmed. It's important to move past these issues - they can take on an importance far greater than they deserve and can hold us back.
There is doubt and stubbornness. Chance of physical or mental illness.
To fully learn to be the Star in your own life, Aquaurius, remember:
regain hope
have faith in the futurethink positively
believecount your blessings
see the light at the end of the tunnel
feel great expectation
look forward to success
be inspired
regain motivation
realize inner strength
see the way clear
be stimulated to a higher level
receive the answer
be generous
give or share
spread the wealth
open your heart
give back what you have received
let love flow freely
offer with no reservations
hold nothing back
feel serene
experience peace of mind
find your still center
remain untroubled
savor perfect calm
be tranquil amid trouble
enjoy harmony
Magickal Associations
Prospects, hope, destiny, opportunity.
A beautiful maiden kneels with one foot balanced on the water of the subconscious.
She is the Empress and Mother Nature pouring the waters of life onto the material Earth.
DIVINATION MEANING : Good health. Love will be given and recieved.
The Star (L'Etoile)The Daughter of the Firmament;
The Dweller Between the Waters
Card Number: 17
Key Number: 28
Rulership: Aquarius
Hebrew Letter: Tzaddi
Translation: fish Hook
Numerical Value: 12
Pale yellow
Star anise
Divinatory meaning
Upright - Fresh hope and renewal. Healing of old wounds. Hope. renewal of faith and hope. Spiritual love. A mental and physical broadening of horizons. Promise and fulfillment. inspiration. Influence over others. Vigour and confidence. Protection.
Ill Dignified or Reversed - Self doubt. Stubbornness. Unwillingness or inability to adapt to changing circumstances and accept the opportunities it may bring. Lack of trust and self-doubt. Obstacles to happiness. Diminished life. Inability to freely express oneself. Rigidity of mind.
For rituals concerning the grating of wishes and the fulfillment of dreams, for fame and stardom and all forms of recognition, the card of would-be writers, actors, entrepreneurs, musicians and dancers
MEDITATION: Contemplate your experiences with Faith, Hope and Wishes come True.
PERSONAL DISCUSSIONS: When have you felt the energy of The Star? Have you seen it in other people? Have you had happy/sad experiences with this energy?
Cut out a star the size of your hand, from a sheet of pale blue paper. On the night before a full moon place it under a glass of water and leave it there until the night following the full moon. Drink the water and think, "I drink this water, I am inspired by the moon and the stars." Close your eyes and receive a message. Write it down on the star and keep it safe.
Happy Birthday my fellow AQUARIANS!
Aquarius is eccentric and original. They can be superb thinkers, and their ideas are frequently advanced. Unique approaches to problem solving are your claim to fame, but you have to be careful that they are not viewed as too radical and unworkable, so meditate on making them advanced and progressive instead. Unconventional and outspoken, they are the OG rebels and the folks who reject old, tired ways of doing things. If you are a true AQ, you're trying to get your ass out in front!
Despite all this electric energy they give off, they really are good team players, but they HATE to get tied into anything. The strange thing about Aquarians is that they can be really headstrong and inflexible, and yet they do their best work and shine most when working with a group.
The down side to Aquarians that people often misunderstand is that they are aloof and detached, and they tend to get wrapped up in the bigger picture and sometimes miss the details. Once they are committed to a project, they're more emotionally involved with work than with people. Although they can be highly critical and demanding in a position of authority, it works to their advantage by making them strong leaders and organizers. Even though there's a highly developed intuition among Aquarians, and their hunches about people are dead on, the emotional context may completely escape them…
Aquarians LIVE for the unexpected. They are the friends you hang with that have no idea where they are going and really don’t care. It's not the destination, it’s the journey for them. They totally don't mind if people are talking shit about them cause they know it means they made an impression.
Routines are like POISON to an Aquarian and in whatever work they do, they are always trying to find the shortest, most efficient way to get it done so they don't have to waste time on it.
Friends are what make life bearable to an Aquarius. They get along best with other mentally oriented people, but often get stuck when trying to be in a more intimate relationship with another. The best bet for an Aquarian looking for some loving this year is to stick with other air (Libra, Gemini, and other Aquarians) or fire (Aries, Sagittarius, but be easy with Leos). Water and Earth folks are wonderful friends who will keep you grounded, but stick with fire and air for the most fun.
What to look out for this year:
January 29th—New Moon at 9˚32' Aquarius at 9:14 am EST.
January 29th officially begins a new lunar year for all Aquarians. As of January 22, Mercury, which rules thinking and mental ability, is in Aquarius. If any of you are writers, actors, speakers, tech people, your brains are BUZZING. Use this energy to get things done that you may have put off too long.
This new moon also signifies the beginning of the Chinese New Year. This is the year of the fire dog, which can bring us opportunities for greater creative expression, increase our idealism and encourage our independence. These qualities dovetail nicely with the energies that this new moon ushers in. Your creativity may take an unusual bent, as it seeks self expression. Under the influences of this new moon, explore these ideas and write them down, as this is an especially dynamic time, one that may offer you answers to some current problems you are facing. And, this new moon is opposing Saturn in Leo, which may help to anchor your vision in reality in some tangible way. Seek out the advice of those you respect and make time to be with your friends and peers.
On January 27th — Jupiter (in Scorpio) squares Neptune (in Aquarius)
This is the first of three squares between these two planets. As these two square off, it will increase the likelihood of conflicts and confrontations that are based on opposing morals, ethics and belief systems, especially those of a dogmatic nature. These conflicts may well expand into major confrontations, fuel irrational behavior and even escalate to a war (or heat up existing ones).
Personally, it is most likely that this aspect will be influencing you if you have personal planets( like the moon, Venus or Mars in Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio) at the degrees this is taking place in or near But if you are feeling conflicts around what you believe in or in your spiritual life, it is likely that you are being aspected by this. And for all of us, it is an opportunity to rediscover our passions as they relate to our spirituality and our practice. Just remember to include other’s interpretations of their own spirituality in your reality.
December 24th—Venus stations retrograde (for the first time since 5/17/04) at 1˚28' Aquarius and until 2/3/06.
As mentioned above, this is an opportunity to look again at what personally matters to us. This may include the people in our lives, our work or our possessions. It is a good time to clean things out and create a more efficient space to work and live in. The first of the year would be a very good time to look at your space from the vantage of Feng Shui. Is clutter creating stagnant energy in your environment? If so, this placement of Venus is perfect for making improvements in this area. Also during this retrograde time, reevaluating your finances and basic security would be good. Cutting back on spending may be a necessary step, even if that means letting go of something you think of as essential!
Personally, this placement of Venus offers you a chance to reexamine your relationship commitments, especially once it enters Capricorn on 1/1. That said, those commitments that hold up now can bring satisfaction and a deeper love as time goes on. This truly is a time when you may notice that though a fire or passion is waning in your relationship, it has been replaced by a sense of comfort and belonging that is very solid and adds to your overall sense of security. Appreciation and gratitude goes a long way now. Once the retrograde is finished, then Venus will be in Full ON Aquarius well into March, so if you are looking to heat up your love life for spring, GO FOR IT!
Aquarius is the sign that rules humanity and the human condition. Its vantage is cosmic, global and far reaching. This sign is of primary influence in this New Age of ever increasing global awareness and global community. Aquarius rules how we relate to higher vibrations and energies. It also rules the vision for our lives, communities and the planet. Its function is to keep things alive and vibrant by showing us ways to connect to the higher realms. When under a strong Aquarian or Uranian influence, you may feel as though you are getting a "wake-up" call of sorts. This feeling has increased greatly in recent years, and is especially strong at the end of January and during February.
During this time of Aquarius, we are inclined to open our eyes and hearts, and to see reality from a different perspective than we normally do. This could generate a Great Awakening, though it may not be a calm ride. Aquarian energy is not intended to keep things at a status quo. It is meant to awaken you from your slumber and unconsciousness. Its influence helps keep you out of ruts and old patterns that can desensitize you, keeping you from feeling more alive. So be prepared for your world to get a bit rocked or upset during its time of influence. However, know that it is most likely ushering in a new energy, insights or circumstances that will ultimately create more aliveness and vitality in your life.
Aquarius also rules: Astrology, ESP, the etheric body, friends, community, computers, the internet, technology, electromagnetic fields & electricity. Any of these areas may get our focus this month. It would be good to plan some events that involve friends and your community, especially if the focus is a concern for the global condition and/or Spiritual in nature. Also, that which is unusual, bizarre and unpredictable may play an important role at this time, as these are often the means by which Aquarian events play out.
It is important to expect the unexpected and to not get too attached to the status quo during this time. One way to do this is to try to view things with some detachment. However, it is also advised not to go too far in this direction to the point of being indifferent or eccentric. While it is important now to open ourselves to that which is unusual and unique, try not to get pulled into the weird and bizarre just for the sake of being different! To avail yourselves to the higher expressions of this energy, you still need to stay grounded and focused, or you run the risk of getting scattered and uncentered. Also, the nervous system will be under particular stress. Good advice would be to avoid too much stimulation (i.e.: caffeine or excessive time on the computer), get rest and exercise and take extra B vitamins!
Gathering with friends will give you needed support during this accelerated time. Find ways to create community, get involved with humanitarian concerns or causes. Try new behaviors. Do things differently. Seek out and welcome change. Be bold and daring. Believe.
As you open to a greater view of "reality", you may feel as though you are walking between two worlds, or existing in different fields of awareness and reality. You may find that having to deal with everyday life can feel tedious or seem unimportant and even disorienting. You may be sensing something that you’d only dreamed could be real. The impact this can have on how you live could be profound. How do we reconcile this shift of perspectives in our lives? I have found that by placing our attention on Source, in the moment, helps to bring in a greater feeling of alignment with these powerful energies and bridge the discrepancies that can arise in such a dynamic process. It gives us a way to be in both worlds with balance and grace.
It is also important during times of expanded awareness to continue to take care of the mundane and simple tasks of our lives. This helps to keep us grounded and to integrate our new perspective into our lives.
If your chart is being particularly affected by these energies, it is important to make a conscious effort to stay grounded. Walking, yoga, journaling and doing simple, even mundane, tasks with mindfulness are all ways to help you stay centered. Getting a reading will tell you how your chart is personally being impacted by these Aquarian energies at this time (which I would be happy to do).
Colors to enhance Aquarian energies: Colors to work with are iridescent tones, bright & electric colors, especially blues, silver and copper. Use these to enhance your meditation and creative process. Wear them, visualize them or be creative and find your own way to bring them into your world.
Our spiritual focus now is:
To focus your attention on your Higher Self.
To see yourself free and open to new possibilities and options.
To remember that your authentic self is luring you out of illusion.
To increase a keener awareness and knowing of your relationship with the Divine
Rutilated Quartz: Assists us in utilizing and balancing our etheric body. This helps to alleviate anxiety and fears, especially from being over expanded during times of accelerated growth.
Selenite: Excellent for channeling the Light through the Crown chakra and activating the etheric body. Stimulates clear thinking. Use when accessing higher dimensions. Can help us to access deep memory.
Clear Quartz: Excellent for bringing us greater clarity and insight. Use when feeling scattered or frazzled. Clusters are especially good to use now as they help us to feel connected to those in our space while maintaining our own sense of self. Also, double-terminated crystals for go for helping us connect to our Higher Self. They are also excellent to hold during a conversation to help facilitate better understanding between those involved.
Simple ways to work with crystals: Wear them. Put them next to your bed or under your pillow while you sleep. Meditate with them. Carry them in your pocket. Put quartz or rose quartz in your drinking water. Give one to a friend!