With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the thirst, with a guiding light to the future.
The Star is one of those cards everyone loves. In every deck, it is usually the most beautiful. It suggests the peace and harmony of its meaning. Whatever hope, healing, future it offers, one must remember that it might not be immediate. Like Aquarius, its vision is for tomorrow, not today.
This is the card that tells you that you are being guided in the right direction. The picture displays a naked woman kneeling down beside a river with two jugs in her hand. She is pouring the water from the jugs into the stream. In the background is a large star, almost directly above her head and seven other stars around it. There are birds, flowers, trees, shrubbery and green grass around her. She appears tranquil and at peace in her natural surroundings.
If this is yourself, you are intuitively heading towards the direction of where you should be on your own personal path in life. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways. If you have been looking for a certain job, more than likely you will achieve it and this will reflect what is going on inside you, which is finding your true niche in life. You are also able to express yourself more truthfully without hindrances from your past or your upbringing. Your intuition is extremely heightened at this time and can bring on flashes of insight to guide you through the many decisions you are going to be facing. Trust in your future and show great faith against the odds and you will succeed. Something to do with the country, or near a river or ocean may figure strongly in an event which will occur within about one month.
The Star depicts hope for better things, and promising opportunities. It is about your dreams and your wishes. This card represents the first step on the right path, but it must be accompanied by action for it to be a true success. A new cycle is beginning. You are on the right track.
It is a card of inspiration, encouragement and rejuvenation, especially after a trying or traumatic time. It’s telling you to take a deep breath and draw inspiration from the natural beauty around you. It also has an astrological tinge to it. It speaks of the influence of the heavens on one’s life. It’s a calmness that lets you connect to the universe in a free flow of energy. It’s a restoration of order and peace.
What has traditionally been known as the Star card is about reconnecting one's Soul with the Divine -- the transcending of personality, family, community and reputation. It has to do ultimately with the freedom to be one's Self. The Soul is responding to celestial influences -- forces that can provide the personality with a stronger sense of purpose. The Star card helps us to remember our exalted origins and our attraction to a Higher Union. This card could also be called the "Celestial Mandate" -- that which refers us back to our reason for being, our mission in this lifetime. The Star reminds us that, in a sense, we are agents of Divine Will in our day-to-day lives. If we let go of the idea that we are supposed to be in control, we can more easily notice and appreciate the synchronicities that are nudging us along. In this way, we become more conscious of the invisible Helping Hand, and we better understand our place within -- and value to -- the larger Cosmos.
This card is about following your own star, living your life with a sense of purpose, and finding meaning and inspiration. You may have unexpected assistance as you pursue your dream. Remember to be true to yourself, commit yourself to your sense of purpose, and things will work out better than you anticipated.
The Star is about possibilities, all the endless possibilities you can imagine. In the Mythic Tarot, the Star is Pandora - opening the forbidden box that released human suffering upon mankind. This helps remind us to be careful what we wish for, because our thoughts and dreams are very powerful.
Often, the Star keeps popping up when there's something we're looking forward to that has not yet materialized. A lot like other major cards, this one seems to appear and reappear until either the inevitable happens, or there is a change in course. I think that the message in this card is to have faith, keep dreaming - and also be aware of what difficulties and disappointments may come as a natural result of getting your wish. The box itself is your hopes and dreams. The creatures within are reality! What might be the real consequences of getting what you wish for? Will it be worth going after? Can you handle it?
The bright and radiant Star is the best card to meditate on to increase your self-esteem. It can improve your ability to trust in yourself. The Star radiates your own inner beauty. Notice the seven smaller stars representing your chakras. This represents a need to open your chakras and cleanse your aura. The number 17 equals 8 (1+7=8). Notice all the stars have eight points. Eight is Strength, the quality needed to accept your faults and love yourself in spite of them. The bird in the tree in the background is the sacred ibis of thought, roosting in the tree of mind. The woman is pouring water (psychic energy) into the pool of Universal Consciousness. The other pitcher pours the water onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses. Her feet are balanced between dry land and the pool. The bent leg on the ground (Earth) supports her weight, while her other foot is resting on the water of the subconscious. Keep a balance while at the same time, staying grounded. She is naked, having nothing to hide. The ground is fruitful. When the Star appears, be open to new ideas and growth. Listen to the still small voice within. The sign is Aquarius and the rune is Daeg.
The Star is a card of harmony and balance, much like the card of Temperance. However, because the Star follows the card of the Tower, it also represents the end of a period of change and turmoil. The Star is a card of fulfilment, peace of mind, mental and emotional stability. Like Temperance, the woman in the card holds two containers of water, but in this case she pours the water out to nourish the earth and continue the cycle of fertility which is represented by the lush greenery around her. Also like Temperance, she has one foot on land and the other in the water. The water represents the spiritual realm and the land is a symbol of the material world.
The Star brings you the gift of pleasure in nature, of reasoned intuition and of shining hope. It reveals a loving phase, filled with calm energy and renewed understanding. It is a card of heavenly favors and a sense of being blessed. If you are currently experiencing difficulties or have been depressed or unwell, the Star augurs healing. Your ability to let go of damaging memories has been strengthened by contact with your true self. Hatred, envy, bitterness, and revenge have burned themselves out and no longer shadow your life or potential for future happiness. Now you are able to forgive and forget. Friendship is an important area governed by the Star. Your friends are especially previous to you now, and you may friend their presence in your life a source of great happiness.
Illumination. You need to be the star of your "show" and experience a time of joy, wonder, hope and healing. Relax and re-establish your connection with your body and the illumination of spiritual realities. Dwell on the good. People have always looked to the stars as a source of inspiration and hope. There is something about their twinkling light that draws us out of ourselves and up into a higher plane. When we turn our eyes heavenward, we no longer feel the distress of earth. The Star reminds me of the clear, high voice of a soprano. There is something other-worldly about it. All the harshness and density of everyday life has been refined away leaving only the purest essence. After being exposed to the Star, we feel uplifted and blessed.
In readings, the Star is most welcome when grief and despair have overwhelmed us. In our darkest moments, we need to know that there is hope and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The Star is the opposite of the Devil who strips us of our faith in the future. Card 17 holds out the promise that we can eventually find peace of mind. The Star also reminds us to open our heart and release our fears and doubt. If you have been holding back in any way, now is the time to give generously. It is important to remember that the Star is inspiring, but it is not a card of practical solutions or final answers. Truly without hope we can accomplish nothing, but hope is only a beginning. When you see Card 17, know that you are on the right track. Your goals and your aspirations are blessed, but to realize them, you must take positive action. Use the light of the Star to guide you in your efforts.
You will become aware of how successful and respected you are. You may attain a goal that brings lasting happiness, or you may win a reward. Your reputation may be enhanced. A successful person may be involved.
The star represents the confidence of youth. The young girl is innocent in life, full of hope and inspiration. She is in anticipation of what will be. Want to find (or regain) a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose to your life and hope your future will be better than your past. It's the call of destiny that motivates you or compels you to go on.
Courage, hope, and inspiration are in your life. Great love will be given and received. Wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, progress toward goals and knowing what these goals are.
False sense of security. Unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Disappointment. Pessimism. Back luck. Conclusion of an unsatisfactory business experience or friendship. Being held back by fear. When the Star is reversed, the spiritual mission is distorted. Instead of hope, we might have despair or discouragement. Instead of being filled with positive possibilities, we may find ourselves dwelling on negative issues. Negative thoughts will wear away at us - to the point where we may give up control of the situation. Thus, the reversed Star suggests we look for issues in our life where we find ourselves discouraged or feeling overwhelmed. It's important to move past these issues - they can take on an importance far greater than they deserve and can hold us back.
There is doubt and stubbornness. Chance of physical or mental illness.
To fully learn to be the Star in your own life, Aquaurius, remember:
regain hope
have faith in the futurethink positively
believecount your blessings
see the light at the end of the tunnel
feel great expectation
look forward to success
be inspired
regain motivation
realize inner strength
see the way clear
be stimulated to a higher level
receive the answer
be generous
give or share
spread the wealth
open your heart
give back what you have received
let love flow freely
offer with no reservations
hold nothing back
feel serene
experience peace of mind
find your still center
remain untroubled
savor perfect calm
be tranquil amid trouble
enjoy harmony
Magickal Associations
Prospects, hope, destiny, opportunity.
A beautiful maiden kneels with one foot balanced on the water of the subconscious.
She is the Empress and Mother Nature pouring the waters of life onto the material Earth.
DIVINATION MEANING : Good health. Love will be given and recieved.
The Star (L'Etoile)The Daughter of the Firmament;
The Dweller Between the Waters
Card Number: 17
Key Number: 28
Rulership: Aquarius
Hebrew Letter: Tzaddi
Translation: fish Hook
Numerical Value: 12
Pale yellow
Star anise
Divinatory meaning
Upright - Fresh hope and renewal. Healing of old wounds. Hope. renewal of faith and hope. Spiritual love. A mental and physical broadening of horizons. Promise and fulfillment. inspiration. Influence over others. Vigour and confidence. Protection.
Ill Dignified or Reversed - Self doubt. Stubbornness. Unwillingness or inability to adapt to changing circumstances and accept the opportunities it may bring. Lack of trust and self-doubt. Obstacles to happiness. Diminished life. Inability to freely express oneself. Rigidity of mind.
For rituals concerning the grating of wishes and the fulfillment of dreams, for fame and stardom and all forms of recognition, the card of would-be writers, actors, entrepreneurs, musicians and dancers
MEDITATION: Contemplate your experiences with Faith, Hope and Wishes come True.
PERSONAL DISCUSSIONS: When have you felt the energy of The Star? Have you seen it in other people? Have you had happy/sad experiences with this energy?
Cut out a star the size of your hand, from a sheet of pale blue paper. On the night before a full moon place it under a glass of water and leave it there until the night following the full moon. Drink the water and think, "I drink this water, I am inspired by the moon and the stars." Close your eyes and receive a message. Write it down on the star and keep it safe.